



About ReadiLink 633-655
ReadiLink colors from Bio-Rad are provided as antibody labeling kits for use with flow cytometry applications primarily. They are designed to be compatible with various Bio-Rad instruments like the S3e Cell Sorter and the ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager. This product line encompasses 12 different dyes that span the visible light spectrum, providing a variety of choices.
Dyes similar to ReadiLink 633-655 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer7-AAD Alexa Fluor 633 Alexa Fluor 635 APC ATTO 633 ATTO Rho14 BDY 650-X SE BODIPY 650/665 Brilliant Ultraviolet 661 Calcein Deep Red AM Calcein Deep Red CellTrace Far Red CellTracker Deep Red CF633 CF640R Chromeo 642 Cyanine 5 SE DY-481XL DY-520XL DyLight 633 E2-Crimson eFluor 650NC eFluor 660 Fix Viability eVolve 655 ExoBrite 640/660 EV Membrane Stain Flash Phalloidin NIR 647 FLUX 640 Fura Red AM (Ca2+bound) Fura Red AM (Ca2+free) FxCycle Far Red Helix NP NIR iFluor 633 Janelia Fluor 635 Janelia Fluor 646 LipidSpot 610 Live-or-Dye 640/662 LysoBrite NIR LysoView 633 MagDot 655 MemBrite Fix 640/660 MitoLite Deep Red FX660 MitoView 633 mPlum MultiDot 655 Nile Blue NL 637 NovaFluor Red 660 NovaFluor Yellow 660 Nuclear-ID Red SureLight P3 PhenoVue 641 Mitochondrial Stain PromoFluor 633P Qdot 655 ROS-ID Red STAR 635 STAR 635P STAR RED SureLight APC Sytox Red TagRFP657 Thiazole Red Thiazole Red Homodimer TO-Pro 3 TOTO-3 ViaKrome 638 VivaFix 649/660 Janelia Fluor 646, Haloalkane RayBright Red 647 RayBright APC Janelia Fluor 635, Tetrazine Lysosome Probe NIR ABflo 647 SiRA 2 AbBy Fluor 647 ExoBrite 640/660 Janelia Fluor 635, Haloalkane
Popular ReadiLink 633-655 Antibodies
Company/SKU | Applications | Marker / Reactivity | Host / Isotype / Clone | Size / Price | Details |
Bio-Rad 1351005 |
Conjugation | ReadiLink 633-655 N/A |
N/A N/A N/A |
2 Conjμgations For 50 µg Antibody $272 |
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ReadiLink 633-655 Conjugation Kits
Product Type | Company/SKU | Applications | Size / Price | Details |
Conjugation Kit |
Bio-Rad 1351005 |
Conjugation | 2 Conjμgations For 50 µg Antibody $272 |
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