




About Alexa Fluor 635
Alexa Fluorâ„¢ 635 (AF635, Alexa 635) has an excitation peak at 633nm and an emission peak at 647nm. It can be used with the following analysis platforms: Flow Cytometry, Immunoassay, IHC, Western Blot.
Dyes similar to Alexa Fluor 635 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer7-AAD Alexa Fluor 633 ATTO Rho14 BDY 630-X SE BODIPY 630/650 Brilliant Violet 650 Calcein Deep Red CellTracker Deep Red CF620R CF633 CytoTrack Red E2-Crimson eFluor 650NC eFluor 660 Fix Viability eVolve 655 Helix NP NIR iFluor 633 Janelia Fluor 635 LysoBrite NIR MagDot 640 MagDot 655 MITO-ID (Extracellular O2) MitoLite Deep Red FX660 MitoView 633 mNeptune mPlum MultiDot 640 MultiDot 655 Nuclear-ID Red PE-Fire 640 Qdot 655 ReadiLink 633-655 SNARF 1 pH9.0 STAR 635P SuperBright 645 Syto 61 Sytox AADvanced Sytox Red TagRFP657 ViaKrome 638