



About LysoBrite NIR
LysoBrite NIR from AAT Bioquest is a cell-permeant alkaline probe that localizes to acidic compartments inside the cell, such as endosomes and lysosomes. These types of probes are designed for live-cell imaging and do not typically survive fixation and permeabilization. LysoBrite NIR has an excitation peak at 635 nm and an emission peak at 650 nm.
Dyes similar to LysoBrite NIR based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer7-AAD Alexa Fluor 633 Alexa Fluor 635 ATTO 633 ATTO Rho14 Brilliant Violet 650 Calcein Deep Red CellTracker Deep Red CF633 DY-481XL DyLight 633 E2-Crimson eFluor 650NC eFluor 660 Fix Viability eVolve 655 FxCycle Far Red Helix NP NIR iFluor 633 Janelia Fluor 635 LysoView 633 MagDot 655 MITO-ID (Extracellular O2) MitoLite Deep Red FX660 MitoView 633 mNeptune mPlum MultiDot 655 NL 637 NovaFluor Red 660 Nuclear-ID Red PhenoVue 641 Mitochondrial Stain PromoFluor 633P Qdot 655 ReadiLink 633-655 STAR 635 STAR 635P SuperBright 645 Syto 61 Sytox AADvanced Sytox Red TagRFP657 Thiazole Red ViaKrome 638