mScarlet Dye Profile
Laser Line585/42
Common Filter568
Excitation Max589
Emission Max100000
Extinction Coefficient0.7
Quantun Efficiency()
About mScarlet
mScarlet is an monomeric orange fluorescent protein with excitation and emission maximums of 569 nm and 594 nm, respectively.
Dyes similar to mScarlet based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer10-Acetyl-37-dihydroxyphenoxazin AccuOrange alamarBlue Alizarin Red Amplex Red ATTO 565 ATTO Rho11 ATTO Rho3B BODIPY 581/591 Calcein Red-Orange AM CellTrace Yellow CF568 CF568ST CF570 Cy3.5 DsRed2 dsRed DsRed Express dTomato DY-510XL DY-511XL eFluor 585NC EMA ExoBrite 560/585 EV Membrane Stain GelRed JC-1 Kaede (red) KikGR1 (red) LipidSpot 488 LIVE 560 Live-or-Dye 375/600 Live-or-Dye 568/583 Live-or-Dye NucFix Red LysoBrite Red MagDot 575 mApple MemBrite Fix 568/580 MitoTracker Red mStrawberry mTangerine MultiDot 575 NeuroVue Red NovaFluor Blue 585 NovaFluor Yellow 590 PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain PhenoVue 577 Lysosomal Stain PhenoVue 578 Mitochondrial Stain PhenoVue Cal-590 AM Bright, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Cal-590 AM, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Fluor 400LS PhenoVue Fluor 555 Live Cell pHrodo Red PROTEOSTAT-Red Qdot 585 Resazurin Resorufin RFP Rhodamine Red-X RealYellow 586 SNARF 1 pH6.0 Spark YG 581 Spark YG 593 StarBright Blue 580 Synapto Green TagRFP tdTomato BactoView Dead 570/585 Lysosome Probe Red CytoLiner 570/590 cFluor YG584 NucSpot 568/580