




About eFluor 585NC
eFluorâ„¢ 585NC from Thermo Fisher Scientific has been discontinued.
Dyes similar to eFluor 585NC based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer10-Acetyl-37-dihydroxyphenoxazin alamarBlue Alizarin Red Amplex Red ATTO 550 ATTO 565 ATTO Rho3B Calcein Red-Orange AM CellBrite Steady 550 CellTrace Yellow CF550R CF568 CF568ST CF570 Cy3.5 DsRed2 dsRed DsRed Express dTomato DY-510XL DyLight 549 DyLight 550 EMA ExoBrite 560/585 EV Membrane Stain FVS570 GelRed JC-1 Kaede (red) KikGR1 (red) LipidSpot 488 LIVE 560 Live-or-Dye 568/583 Live-or-Dye NucFix Red MagDot 575 mApple MemBrite Fix 568/580 MITO-ID MP (high potential) mScarlet mTangerine MultiDot 575 NeuroVue Red NovaFluor Blue 585 NovaFluor Yellow 590 PE PhenoVue 512 Nucleic Acid Stain PhenoVue 577 Lysosomal Stain PhenoVue Cal-590 AM Bright, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Cal-590 AM, Calcium Indicator PhenoVue Fluor 400LS PhenoVue Fluor 555 Live Cell pHrodo Red PROTEOSTAT-Red Qdot 585 Resazurin Resorufin RFP Rhod-5N (Ca2+ bound) Rhodamine Red-X RealYellow 586 Seta-400-NHS SNARF 1 pH6.0 Spark YG 581 Spark YG 593 StarBright Blue 580 StarBright Yellow 575 SureLight RPE TagRFP tdTomato TRITC TSA Vivid 570 ExoBrite 555/575 True EV Membrane Stain cFluor YG584 RayBright PE CytoLiner 570/590 NucSpot 568/580 BactoView Dead 570/585 JFX 554, Maleimide