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About MultiDot 610
MultiDot 610 is an orange emitting fluorophore optimally excited from 320 nm to 405 nm with an emission peak at 610 nm. This dye is part of Core Quantum Technologies' MultiDot product line. Each MultiDot consists of several quantum dots with a patented coating, resulting in increased sensitivity and a tighter emission spectrum which limits spectral overlap.
Dyes similar to MultiDot 610 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 568 Alexa Fluor 594 ATTO RHO101 ATTO Rho12 BDY TR-X SE BOBO-3 Brilliant Violet 605 Brilliant Ultraviolet 615 Calcium Crimson (Ca2+bound) California Red CellTracker Red CF575 CF583 CF583R CF594 CF594ST CF597R CoraLite 594 Cardinal Red CyTRAK Orange DY-350XL DyLight 594 eFluor 605NC eFluor 615 Ethidium B. EvaRuby eVolve 605 Flash Phalloidin Red 594 FVS620 Hc Red HiLyte 594 iFluor 594 Janelia Fluor 585 LIVE 460L LIVE 590 Live/Dead Fix Orange Live/Dead Fix Red LIVE ORANGE Live-or-Dye 594/614 LSS-mKate2 LysoBrite Deep Red MagDot 610 mCherry MemBrite Fix 594/615 mRFP1 NovaFluor Blue 610 / 30S NovaFluor Blue 610 / 70S NovaFluor Yellow 610 PE-CF594 PE-Dazzle 594 PE-DyLight 594 PE-eFluor 610 PE-Texas Red PE-Vio615 PhenoVue Fluor 594 Propidium Iodide PromoFluor 594 Qdot 605 ReadiLink 594-610 RPE-CF583R STAR 460L STAR 470SXP STAR 520SXP STAR 580 StarBright Blue 615 StarBright UltraViolet 605 StarBright Violet 610 StarBright Yellow 605 STAR ORANGE SuperNova v605 SureLight PE-594 Texas Red TFAX 594 SE VivaFix 583/603 X-Rhod-5F (Ca2+ bound) cFluor BYG610 Lysosome Probe Deep Red BactoView Dead 600/615 ABflo 594 Aluora 594 RealBlue 613 ABflo 610 RealYellow 610 XFD594 NucSpot 594/615 cFluor YG610 XFD568 RayBright Green 594 RPE-Astral616 Janelia Fluor 585, Haloalkane AbBy Fluor 594