



About ReadiLink 680-701
ReadiLink colors from Bio-Rad are provided as antibody labeling kits for use with flow cytometry applications primarily. They are designed to be compatible with various Bio-Rad instruments like the S3e Cell Sorter and the ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager. This product line encompasses 12 different dyes that span the visible light spectrum, providing a variety of choices.
Dyes similar to ReadiLink 680-701 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 680 APC-Alexa 680 APC-Cy5.5 APC-R700 ATTO 680 Brilliant Blue 700 CellBrite Steady 685 CellVue Burgundy CF680 CF680R CF680ST CF680T Cy5.5 DRAQ 9 FLUX 680 FVS700 Ghost Dye Red 710 iFluor 680 iFluor 700 IFP 1.4 IRDye 680LT IRDye 680RD iRFP 702 LDS 751 MemBrite Fix 680/700 MemBrite Fix ST 681/698 NeuroVue Burgundy NovaFluor Red 700 NovaFluor Red 710 NovaFluor Yellow 700 NucSpot 680 Oyster 680 PE-Cy5.5 PE-Fire 700 PerCP-Cy5.5 PerCP-eFluor 710 PerCP-Vio700 PhenoVue DRAQ5 Total Cell Nuclear Stain PhenoVue DRAQ7 Dead Cell Nuclear Stain PromoFluor 680 Qdot 705 RedDot 1 RedDot 2 redFluor 710 Seta-680-NHS Seta-APC-705 SeTau-647-di-NHS SeTau-647-NHS SeTau-670-NHS SeTau-680-NHS Spark Red 718 StarBright Blue 700 SuperBright 702 SureLight PE Cyanine 5.5 SureLight PerCP Cyanine 5.5 RealYellow 703 ABflo 680 AbBy Fluor 680 RayBright PerCP-Cy5.5 RealBlue 705 RayBright Red 700 XFD680