


About LYSO-ID Green
LYSO-ID Green from Enzo Life Sciences is a cell-permeant alkaline probe that localizes to acidic compartments inside the cell, such as endosomes and lysosomes. These types of probes are designed for live-cell imaging and do not typically survive fixation and permeabilization. LYSO-ID Green has an excitation peak at 480 nm and an emission peak at 545 nm.
Dyes similar to LYSO-ID Green based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewer2-NBDG Alexa Fluor 430 Alexa Fluor 514 Alexa Fluor 532 ATTO 532 BODIPY R6G Calcein Orange Cascade Yellow CF405L CF450 CF514 CF517ST CoraFluor-1 CoraFluor-2 CPN550 Yellow DY-375XL ER-ID Green Ghost Dye Violet 540 iFluor 514 Janelia Fluor 525 Live/Dead Fix Yellow Live-or-Dye 405/545 Live-or-Dye 510/550 Lucifer Yellow LysoSensor Yellow/Blue pH3.0 mBanana mHoneyDew MitoLite Orange EX405 NBD Nuclear Orange NucSpot 470 Oxazole Gold Pacific Orange Qdot 545 ReadiLink 405-537 RealBlue 545 Rhodamine 6G Spark Blue 550 Spark Violet 538 VivaFix 398/550 Vybrant DyeCycle Orange CoraFluor 2, amine reactive XFD514 XFD532 Spark PLUS B550