




About Seta-R-PE-775
Seta-R-PE-775 from SETA BioMedicals is a tandem fluorophore with an excitation peak at 488 nm and an emission peak at 774 nm. Tandem dyes made with Seta acceptor fluorophores are available as free dye for your own conjugation. Spectrally, this fluorophore is similar to PE-Cy7.
Dyes similar to Seta-R-PE-775 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 750 APC-Alexa 750 APC-CF750 APC-eFluor 780 APC-Vio770 CellBrite NIR750 CellVue NIR780 CF750 CF750ST CoraLite Plus 750 Cy7 Cyanine 7 SE DiR DyLight 750 DyLight 755 eFluor 780 Fix Viability FVS780 Ghost Dye Red 780 HiLyte 750 iFluor 750 Live/Dead Fix Near IR (775) Live/Dead Fix Near IR (780) Live-or-Dye 750/777 MaxLight 750 MemBrite Fix ST 755/777 PE-Alexa 750 PE-Cy7 PE-Vio770 PromoFluor 750 ReadiLink 750-780 RealBlue 780 Seta-750-NHS Seta-APC-780 StarBright Violet 790 SuperBright 780 SuperNova v786 SureLight PE Cyanine 7.0 RealYellow 775 XFD750 RayBright Red 780 RayBright PE-Cy7 ABflo 750 AbBy Fluor 750