


About MitoLite Blue FX490
MitoLite Blue FX490 from AAT Bioquest is a potential-dependent blue fluorescent dye used to stain mitochondria in live cells. It has an excitation max at 344 nm and an emission peak at 469 nm. It is recommened for use in fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, and is retained with paraformaldehyde fixation.
Dyes similar to MitoLite Blue FX490 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerBrilliant Violet 480 CellTracker Blue CellVue Lavender Cerulean CPN475 Blue DY-370XL DY-415 eCFP FxCycle Violet LysoView 405 Marina Blue mCerulean3 mTurquoise NADH Nuclear Blue Nuclear-ID Blue Nuclear Violet Nucleolar-ID Green NucView 405 Spectrum Aqua StarBright Violet 475 Sytox Blue Aco-490