20‐Color Flow Cytometry Panel for High‐Dimensional Characterization of Murine Antigen‐Presenting Cells

Cytometry PART A, Volume 95, Issue 12, 1226-1230 (2019)
Anthony T. DiPiazza, Juliane P. Hill, Barney S. Graham, Tracy J. Ruckwardt

Description: This 20‐color flow cytometry panel was designed to resolve the cellular heterogeneity of antigen‐presenting cells and was optimized for lymph node tissue. Reagents were carefully selected and optimized for identification of B cells (B220), neutrophils (Ly6G), monocytes and macrophages (Ly6C, CD169, F4/80), and dendritic cells (XCR1, CD172a, CD11c, I‐A/I‐E, CD24, CD64, pDCA‐1, CD103, CD11b). Inclusion of additional functional markers involved in cell migration (CCR7), co‐stimulation (CD80), and adhesion (ICAM‐1) enabled further phenotypic characterization. Finally, this panel has been tested and is compatible with fluorescently labeled antigens such as Alexa Fluor 488 (Ax488) for the study of antigen‐bearing cells in vivo.

Species: Mouse

Tissue: Lymph node

Cell Subset: B cell, Dc, Mdc/cdc, Pdc, Myeloid cells, Macrophage, Monocyte, Neutrophil

Keyword: Cell migration

Machine: BD FACSymphony A5

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
Dead cells Mouse Live/Dead Fix Blue Viability
CD172a Mouse P84 PerCP-eFluor 710 cDC2, other myeloid cells cDC Med
CD11c Mouse N418 Brilliant Violet 421 macrophage and DC Macrophage, cDC Low
CD103 Mouse M290 Brilliant Violet 510 Lung migratory cDC1 cDC High
CD24 Mouse M1/69 Brilliant Violet 605 cDC lineage Macrophage, B cell, cDC High
CD3 Mouse 17A2 Brilliant Violet 750 T and NKT cells High
CD80 Mouse 16-10A1 PE-CF594 Co-stimulation cDC Low
F4/80 Mouse BM8 PE-Cy5 Macrophage subsets DC, Macrophage Low
CD169 Mouse 3D6.112 PE-Cy7 Macrophage subsets Macrophage Med
CD45 Mouse 30-F11 Brilliant Ultraviolet 661 Hematopoietic cell lineage Neutrophil, Macrophage, cDC, pDC, B cell High
Ly-6G Mouse 1A8 Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 Neutrophil Neutrophil High
CD317 Mouse 927 APC pDC pDC High
CD11b Mouse M1/70 APC-R700 Macrophages and dendritic cells Macrophage, DC, Neutrophil Med
ICAM-1 Mouse 3E2 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 Adhesion cDC, Macrophage High
MHC II Mouse M5/114 Brilliant Violet 711 Activation B cell, cDC High
CCR7 Mouse 4B12 PE Trafficking cDC Low
XCR1 Mouse ZET Brilliant Violet 650 pDC (plasmacytoid DC) pDC, cDC High
Ly-6C Mouse HK1.4 Brilliant Violet 570 Monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, moDC Macrophage Med
CD45R (B220) Mouse RA3-6B2 Brilliant Ultraviolet 496 B cells and pDCs B cell, pDC Med
CD64 Mouse X54-5/7.1 Brilliant Violet 786 Monocyte/macrophage, moDC lineage Macrophage, cDC Med