Mouse γδ T‐Cell Development Characterized by a 14 Color Flow Cytometry Panel

Cytometry PART A, Volume 95, Issue 7, 726-729 (2010)
Terkild Brink Buus, Mia Hamilton Jee, Niels Ødum

Description: This panel was designed to quantify the distribution of developing γδ T cells within seven development stages related to the programming of distinct effector phenotypes in the murine thymus. Furthermore, the panel was designed to assess the expression of additional surface markers at each development stage within two of the major γδ T‐cell subsets identified by the usage of different V‐segments in their T‐cell receptor (TCR): TCRVγ1.1+ and TCRVγ2+. The panel was developed using thymus from adult C57Bl/6 mice magnetically depleted of CD4 and CD8 expressing cells in order to enrich for the γδ T‐cell population.

Species: Mouse

Tissue: Thymus

Cell Subset: T cell, Tcrgd

Machine: BD LSR Fortessa

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
CD200 Mouse OX-90 eFluor 660 Population D, E, F C/D, E/F/G Low
CD24 Mouse M1/69 Brilliant Violet 510 Population A-F A/B, C/D, E/F/G Med
Dead cells Mouse Propidium Iodide n/a
TCR V gamma 2 Mouse UC3-10A6 PE-Cy7 γδ T cell subset A/B, C/D, E/F/G Med
CD4 Mouse Gk1.5 Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 Depletion of aß T cells and progenitor High
CLEC12A Mouse 5D3/CLEC12A Brilliant Violet 421 Population A, B A/B Low
CD25 Mouse PC61 APC-Cy7 Population A A/B Low
CD117 Mouse 2B8 APC-R700 Population E E/F/G Low
TCR delta Mouse GL-3 PE-CF594 γδ T cell A/B, C/D, E/F/G Med
CD8a Mouse 53-6.7 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 Depletion of aß T cells and progenitor High
CD3 Mouse 145-2c11 Brilliant Violet 786 T cell A/B, C/D, E/F/G High
TCR V gamma 11 Mouse 2.11 FITC γδ T cell A/B, C/D, E/F/G Low
CD73 Mouse TY/11.8 Brilliant Violet 605 Population E, F, G E/F/G Med