Identification, Classification, and Isolation of Major FoxP3 Expressing Human CD4+ Treg Subsets

Cytometry PART A, Volume 95, Issue 3, 264-267 (2019)
Johannes Nowatzky, Cristy Stagnar, Olivier Manches

Description: We designed and optimized an inter‐convertible flow cytometry panel for the analysis and sorting of human CD4+ regulatory T cells (Treg) utilizing all of the major, currently accepted marker combinations for Treg identification. The panel is optimized for use with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In addition, the panel allows for the identification, classification, and isolation of activated, antigen‐experienced Treg, and provides estimates of proliferation and suppressive capacity. To this end we created two, easily inter‐convertible sub‐panels: ATREG—which includes intra‐nuclear markers, and BTREG—using surface markers only. Both sub‐panels have been tested on cryopreserved PBMC from healthy donors and those with human autoimmune diseases, as well as on long‐term cultured human Treg and non‐Treg cell lines and clones.

Species: Human

Tissue: Cell line, Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: T cell, T memory, Treg

Keyword: Activation, Autoimmunity, Cryopreserved pbmc, Proliferation

Machine: BD LSR2

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
Dead cells Human Live/Dead Fix Blue Viability
CD3 Human SK7 PerCP-Cy5.5 Lineage T cell, T memory, Treg High
CD127 Human A019D5 Brilliant Violet 421 Treg (TDP I) T cell, Treg Low
CD4 Human SK3 Brilliant Violet 510 Lineage T cell, Treg High
CD45RA Human HI100 Brilliant Violet 711 Treg (TDP II), Treg activation, T cell, T memory Med
CD25 Human M-A251 PE-Dazzle 594 Treg (TDP I and II) T cell, Treg Low
CD38 Human HB7 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 Activation (BTREG) T cell, Treg, T memory Low
CD39 Human A1 APC-Fire 750 suppressive capcity and stability under inflammatory condition (BTREG) T cell, Treg, T memory Low
FOXP3 Human 236A/E7 APC Treg (TDP I -III) (ATREG) T cell, Treg Low
Ki-67 Human B56 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 Proliferation (ATREG) T cell Low
Helios Human 22F6 PE-Cy7 Treg (TDP III) (ATREG) T cell, Treg Med
CD8a Human SK1 Brilliant Violet 650 CD8 exclusion T cell, T memory High
HLA DR Human L243 FITC Activation T cell, T memory High
CD197 (CCR7) Human G043H7 PE Naïve/memory classification T cell, T memory Low
TIGIT Human MBSA43 APC Treg identification T cell, Treg Low
CD226 Human 11A8 PE-Cy7 exclusion of functionally unstable Treg for in vitro expansion, Treg identification (BTREG) T cell, Treg Med