28‐color flow cytometry panel to characterize B cells and myeloid cells

Cytometry PART A, Volume 95, Issue 2, 105-155 (2019)
Thomas Liechti, Mario Roederer

Description: This 28‐color flow cytometry panel focuses on B cells, dendritic cells, and monocytes and was optimized for cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In addition to markers enabling the analysis of monocytes (CD14) and definition of subsets within B cells (CD10, CD19, CD20, CD21, CD27, IgD, IgM) and dendritic cells (CD1c, CD11c, CD123, CD141, HLA‐DR), we included functional markers such as chemokine receptors (CXCR3, CXCR5), surface immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgG, IgM), Fc receptors (CD16, CD23, CD32, CD64), inhibitory molecules (CD73, CD85j), the co‐stimulatory molecule CD40, and cytokine receptors (IL‐21R, BAFF‐R, TACI), which enables in‐depth characterization of B cells, dendritic cells, and monocytes.

Species: Human

Tissue: Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: B cell, B memory, Dc, Mdc/cdc, Pdc, Monocyte

Keyword: Activation, Cell migration

Machine: BD FACSymphony A5

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
CD141 Human 1A4 Brilliant Blue 630-P2 DC lineage marker DC, Monocyte Low
CD123 Human 7G3 Brilliant Blue 660-P2 DC lineage marker DC Med
CD21 Human B-ly4 Brilliant Ultraviolet 496 Differentiation B cells B cell Low
CD267 Human 1A1-K21-M22 Brilliant Ultraviolet 563 Cytokine receptor B cell Low
CD185 Human RF8B2 Brilliant Violet 750 Trafficking B cell Med
Dead cells Human Live/Dead Fix Blue viability'
CD73 Human AD2 Brilliant Blue 515 Inhibitory B cell, DC Med
CD16 Human 3G8 Brilliant Blue 700 Fc receptor Monocyte, DC Med
CD40 Human 5C3 PE-Dazzle 594 Co-stimulatory B cell, DC Med
CD85j Human GHI/75 PE-Cy5 inhibitory B cell Low
CD11c Human Bu15 PE-Cy5.5 DC lineage marker mDC Med
CD183 Human G025H7 PE-Cy7 Trafficking B cell Low
CD27 Human M-T271 APC-R700 Differentiation B cells B cell Med
CD19 Human SJ25C1 APC-H7 Lineage B cell B cell Low
CD20 Human 2H7 Brilliant Ultraviolet 805 Lineage B cell B cell Med
IL-21 R Human 2G1-K12 Brilliant Violet 421 Cytokine receptor B cell Low
IgM Human MHM-88 Brilliant Violet 570 Differentiation B cells B cell Med
CD268 Human 11C1 Brilliant Violet 605 Cytokine receptor B cell Med
CD10 Human HI10a Brilliant Violet 650 Differentiation B cells B cell Low
CD23 Human M-L233 Brilliant Violet 711 Differentiation B cells B cell, DC, Monocyte Med
CD64 Human 10.1 Brilliant Violet 786 Fc receptor Monocyte, DC Med
CD1c Human F10/21A3 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 DC lineage marker B cell, mDC Med
HLA DR Human G46-6 Brilliant Ultraviolet 661 DC lineage marker mDC, B cell Med
CD14 Human MphiP9 (also known as MphiP-9) Brilliant Violet 510 Lineage monocyte Monocyte High
IgA Human polyclonal APC Differentiation B cells B cell High
IgG Human Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 Differentiation B cells B cell High
IgD Human IA6-2 Brilliant Blue 790-P Differentiation B cells B cell High
CD32 Human FUN-2 PE Fc receptor B cell, mDC, Monocyte Med