Analysis of Human Myelopoiesis and Myeloid Neoplasms

Cytometry PART A, Volume 93, Issue 10, 982-986 (2018)
Genyuan Zhu Jason Brayer, Eric Padron, James J. Mulé, Adam W. Mailloux

Description: Cells undergoing myelopoiesis in both bone marrow and the mature myeloid compartments in the blood represent a broad range of phenotypes in different stages of maturation and activation. Neoplasms that arise from this lineage are often heterogeneous and frequently display unique characteristics and outcomes depending on the originating subset or degree of differentiation. This is particularly true for myeloid neoplasms (MN) which rely on multiple, separate flow cytometry panels for differential diagnosis. While standard practice, this approach has inherent disadvantages which include the inability to observe co‐expression patterns between markers contained in separate panels and increased time and labor associated with multiple flow cytometry assays. Use of a single, high‐order panel that is able to differentiate multiple hematopoietic lineages, or distinguish different MNs would aid this effort and provide the opportunity to further characterize disease subsets. This panel was designed to detect cell surface markers associated with hematopoiesis with a special emphasis on the progression of myelopoiesis from hematopoietic progenitors. Because the study of hematopoietic disease requires a broad combination of early hematopoietic and mature myeloid markers, this panel is also appropriate for the general analysis of myelopoiesis, granulopoiesis, erythropoiesis, and megakaryocytopoiesis, in any human cell source that contains mature myeloid cells, myeloid progenitors, or hematopoietic progenitors.

Species: Human

Tissue: Bone marrow, Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: Dc, Myeloid cells, Monocyte, Granulocyte, Hsc, Gmp/gmdp, Cmp, Mpp, Mep, Myeloid progenitor

Keyword: Hematopoeisis, Myelopoiesis

Machine: BD LSR2

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
Dead cells Human Live/Dead Fix Aqua Viability
CD138 Human MI15 APC-Cy7 Plasma cell ASC Med
CD19 Human HIB19 Brilliant Violet 510 exclusion ASC Low
CD45 Human HI30 Brilliant Ultraviolet 805 Leukocyte DC, Monocyte, Granulocyte High
CD117 Human 104D2 Brilliant Blue 515 Progenitor Myeloid Progenitor Low
CD11c Human 3.9 PE-CF594 DC DC Med
CD14 Human M5E2 Brilliant Violet 786 Monocyte Monocyte High
CD34 Human 581 PE-Cy7 Progenitor MEP, Myeloid Progenitor Med
CD36 Human CB38 PerCP-Cy5.5 M2 DC, Monocyte Med
CD15 Human W6D3 Alexa Fluor 700 Myeloid Lineage Granulocyte, Monocyte High
CD163 Human GHI/61 Brilliant Violet 605 Macrophage DC, Monocyte Low
CD32 Human FUN-2 APC FC receptor Monocyte, Granulocyte Med
CD71 Human M-A712 Brilliant Violet 711 Erythroid marker MEP Med
CD41 Human HIP8 PE Megakaryocyte MEP Med
HLA DR Human G46-6 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 M1 Monocyte, DC Med
CD3 Human SK7 Brilliant Violet 510 exclusion High
CD11b Human ICRF44 Brilliant Violet 650 Myeloid Lineage Monocyte, DC, Granulocyte Med
CD64 Human 10.1 Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 Activation, M1 Myeloid Progenitor Med
CD16 Human 3G8 Brilliant Ultraviolet 496 FC receptor Monocyte, Granulocyte Med
CD33 Human WM53 Brilliant Violet 421 Myeloid Lineage Monocyte, DC, Granulocyte Med