28‐color immunophenotyping of the human dendritic cell compartment

Cytometry PART A, Volume 93, Issue 4, 402-405 (2018)
Florian Mair, Martin Prlic

Description: This 28‐color panel has been developed for an extensive phenotyping of antigen‐presenting cells (APCs) in human blood and tissue samples. 15 markers associated with changes in dendritic cell (DC) function were selected based on the current literature. Five additional markers were used to pre-gate on canonical DC subpopulations, namely CD141+ cross‐presenting conventional DC1 (cDC1), CD1c+ conventional DC2 (cDC2), CD141‐ CD1c‐ cDCs as well as CD123+ plasmacytoid DCs (pDC). Furthermore, seven lineage markers were included for parallel enumeration of CD14+ monocytes, B cells, NK cells as well as CD4+ and CD8+ αβ T cells with basic phenotyping of their differentiation status. The panel has been tested on cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and allows further inclusion of DC antigens at the cost of pan‐phenotyping markers.

Species: Human

Tissue: Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: B cell, T cell, Dc, Mdc/cdc, Pdc, Nk, Myeloid cells, Monocyte, Mdc1

Keyword: Cryopreserved pbmc

Machine: BD FACSymphony A5

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
Dead cells Human Live/Dead Fix Blue Viability
CD272 Human J168-540 Brilliant Blue 630-P2 DC phenotype DC Med
CD8a Human RPA-T8 Brilliant Blue 660-P2 CD8 T cell T cell High
CD40 Human 5C3 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 DC phenotype B cell, DC Med
CD56 Human NCAM16.2 Brilliant Ultraviolet 563 NK NK Low
CD3 Human UCHT1 Brilliant Ultraviolet 661 T cell T cell High
CD86 Human FUN-1 Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 DC phenotype B cell, T cell, monocyte, DC Med
CX3CR1 Human 2A9-1 Brilliant Violet 421 DC phenotype DC Low
CD85k Human ZM3.8 Brilliant Violet 480 DC phenotype mDC Med
CD45RA Human HI100 Brilliant Violet 570 DC, T cell T cell Med
CD141 Human 1A4 Brilliant Violet 605 DC subset mDC, monocyte Low
CD14 Human MfP9 Brilliant Violet 711 monocyte monocyte High
CD11b Human ICRF44 Brilliant Violet 750 DC phenotype monocyte, NK, DC, T cell, B cell Med
CD123 Human 7G3 Brilliant Violet 786 pDC (plasmacytoid DC) DC Med
CD26 Human M-A261 FITC DC subset NK, B cell Low
CD163 Human GHI/61 PE-CF594 DC phenotype DC, monocyte Low
CD80 Human L307.4 PE-Cy5 DC phenotype B cell, T cell, DC Low
CD19 Human SJ25-C1 PE-Cy5.5 B cell B cell Low
CD4 Human SK3 PE-Cy7 CD4 T cell T cell High
CD1c Human F10/21A3 Alexa Fluor 647 DC subset mDC Med
CD11c Human B-ly6 Alexa Fluor 700 DC lineage marker mDC Med
HLA DR Human G46-6 APC-H7 DC lineage marker DC, cDC High
CCR7 Human G043H7 PE DC phenotype, T cell phenotype T cell Low
CD38 Human HIT2 Brilliant Blue 790-P DC phenotype B cell, Monocyte Low
CD45 Human HI30 Brilliant Ultraviolet 805 hematopoitic cell monocyte, T cell, B cell, DC, mDC, pDC, NK High
CD172a Human SE5A5 Brilliant Violet 650 DC phenotype monocyte, DC Low
CD32 Human FLI8.26 Brilliant Blue 700 DC phenotype B cell, monocyte Med
CD16 Human 3G8 Brilliant Ultraviolet 496 DC phenotype, monocyte phenotype monocyte Med