Validated multifunctional characterization of antigen-specific human T cells by intracellular cytokine staining

Cytometry PART A, Volume 81A, Issue 5, 362-363 (2012)
Stephen C. De Rosa, Donald K. Carter, M. Juliana McElrath

Description: This panel was developed, optimized, and validated for assessment of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses to various peptide pools for antigens of interest in cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from adult humans. The panel has been used to evaluate HIV- and TB-specific responses to candidate vaccines for these pathogens, although the panel can be used with peptide pools for any proteins. The panel has not been tested with freshly-isolated PBMC or with whole blood.

Species: Human

Tissue: Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: T cell, T helper, Ctl

Keyword: Antigen-specific t cell response, Cryopreserved pbmc, Hiv, Lysed whole blood (lwb), Tuberculosis (tb), Vaccination

Machine: BD LSR2

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
TNF Human Mab11 FITC function T cell, T helper, CTL High
Dead cells Human Live/Dead Fix Aqua viability
CD14 Human Qdot 655 exclusion High
IFN-gamma Human B27 V450 function T cell, T helper, CTL High
IL-4 Human MP4-25D2 APC function T cell, T helper Low
CD107a Human H4A3 PE-Cy7 function T cell, activation, T helper, CTL Low
CD3 Human UCHT1 PE-Texas Red lineage T cell, T helper, CTL High
CD4 Human 13B8.2 APC-Alexa 750 lineage T cell, T helper High
CD40L Human TRAP1 (also known as TRAP-1) PE-Cy5 function T cell, T helper Low
CD8a Human SK1 PerCP-Cy5.5 lineage T cell, CTL High
IL-2 Human MQ1-17H12 PE function T cell, T helper, CTL Med
MIP-1 beta Human D21-1351 Alexa Fluor 700 function T cell, CTL, activation, T helper Med