Phenotypic and numeric determination of human leukocyte reconstitution in humanized mice

Cytometry PART A, Volume 81A, Issue 8, 646-648 (2012)
Brian R. Long, Cheryl A. Stoddart

Description: This panel was developed to determine both the frequency and absolute number of human leukocytes and leukocyte subsets present in the peripheral blood of humanized mice. The panel also provides information concerning the activation state of peripheral leukocytes by cell surface staining for HLA-DR and CD38, relevant to studies of HIV disease pathogenesis. This panel has been used with EDTA anticoagulated whole blood in conjunction with bead-based enumeration for quantitative assessment of human cell chimerism. This panel also works well for staining of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) prepared by density gradient centrifugation and for dispersed splenocytes. The multicolor panel described here has been used in studies of humanized mouse reconstitution and longitudinal studies of HIV pathogenesis in NSG-BLT mice.

Species: Human, Mouse

Tissue: Peripheral blood, Spleen

Cell Subset: B cell, T cell, Nk

Keyword: Hiv, Humanized mouse model

Machine: BD LSR2

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
CD19 Human HIB19 APC-Cy7 human B cell B cell Low
CD45 Human HI30 Alexa Fluor 700 human leukocyte B cell, T cell, NK High
CD56 Human HCD56 PE-Cy7 human NK NK Low
CD3 Human UCHT1 ECD human T cell T cell High
CD38 Human HIT2 PE activation B cell, T cell Med
CD4 Human RPA-T4 Pacific Blue human CD4 T cell High
CD94 Human DX22 FITC NK NK Med
CD16 Human 3G8 PerCP NK NK Med
CD314 Human 1D11 PE NK NK Low
CD159c Human 134591 APC NK NK Med
HLA DR Human L243 FITC activation T cell, B cell High
CD8a Human 3B5 Qdot 605 human CD8 T cell High
CD45 Mouse 30-F11 APC exclusion of mouse leukocyte mouse High