A 31-parameter panel for comprehensive immunophenotyping of multiple immune cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Cytometry PART A, Volume 99, Issue 9, 893-898 (2021)
Takuto Nogimori, Yuko Sugawara, Masaya Higashiguchi, Hirotomo Murakami, Hirofumi Akita, Shokichi Takahama, Satoshi Tanaka, Takuya Yamamoto

Description: This 31-parameter panel was developed for simultaneously measuring multiple immune cell populations including T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, monocytes, and hematopoietic progenitor cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This panel enables the capture of individual immune dynamics and assessments of single-cell changes in the immune system that are associated with aging and diseases. This panel includes markers to separate the differentiation status of each cell population and might be applicable to studies of infectious and autoimmune diseases, as patient samples are usually limited in volume and require an analysis system that provides a relatively large amount of information.

Species: Human

Tissue: Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: B cell, T cell, Treg, Dc, Mdc/cdc, Pdc, Nk, Monocyte, Progenitors/ hsc

Keyword: Immune aging, Immunoprofiling

Machine: BD FACSymphony A5

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
FVS700 All Species FVS700 Viability
CD38 Human HIT2 Brilliant Blue 660-P2 B cell B cell, T cell, Monocyte Med
CD34 Human 8G12 Brilliant Blue 700 HPC lineage HSPC Med
CD1c Human F10/21A3 Brilliant Blue 755-P Dendritic Cell DC, B cell Low
IgM Human (Negative) G20-127 Brilliant Blue 790-P B cell B cell Med
CD56 Human B159 PE-Cy5 NK NK Low
CD4 Human SK3 PE-Cy5.5 T cell T cell High
IgD Human IA6-2 APC B cell B cell High
CD3 Human SP34-2 APC-Cy7 T cell T cell High
CD303 Human V24-785 Brilliant Violet 421 pDC pDC High
CD123 Human 7G3 Brilliant Violet 480 pDC pDC, mDC Med
CD45RO Human UCHL1 Brilliant Violet 570 T cell T cell Med
CD138 Human MI15 Brilliant Violet 605 B cell B cell Med
CD16 Human 3G8 Brilliant Violet 650 NK and Monocyte Monocyte, NK Med
CD24 Human ML5 Brilliant Violet 750 B cell B cell Med
PD-1 Human EH12.1 Brilliant Violet 786 T cell T cell Low
CD11b Human ICRF44 Brilliant Ultraviolet 395 Monocyte Monocyte Med
CD141 Human 1A4 Brilliant Ultraviolet 615 Monocyte, mDC mDC, Monocyte Low
CD14 Human M5E2 Brilliant Ultraviolet 805 Monocyte Monocyte Med
CD8a Human RPA-T8 Brilliant Ultraviolet 563 T cell T cell High
HLA DR Human G46-6 Brilliant Ultraviolet 661 B and T cell B cell, T cell Med
CD57 Human NK-1 FITC NK NK, T cell High
CD127 Human hIL-7R-M21 Brilliant Blue 630-P2 T cell Treg, T cell, B cell Med
CD133 Human W6B3C1 PE HPC lineage HSPC Med
CD27 Human M-T271 PE-Cy7 T and B cell T cell, B cell Med
CD11c Human 3.9 PE-CF594 Dendritic Cell and Monocyte mDC, Monocyte, NK, pDC Med
CD19 Human SJ25C1 Brilliant Violet 711 B cell B cell Low
CD45 Human HI30 Brilliant Ultraviolet 496 Leukocytes NK, Monocyte, T cell, B cell, pDC, mDC High
IgG Human G18-145 Brilliant Ultraviolet 737 B cell B cell Med