A new 10-color monoclonal antibody panel for polychromatic immunophenotyping of small hematopoietic cell samples

Cytometry PART A, Volume 81A, Issue 6, 453-455 (2012)
Frank W. M. B. Preijers, Erik Huys, Bijan Moshaver

Description: The 10-color panel consisting of 15 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is developed to detect leukemia and lymphoma cells in small cell samples hypoplastic bone marrow (BM), fine needle aspirates or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). MAbs conjugates were selected to identify populations of distinct cell lineages and to determine stages of differentiation based on specific antigen expression patterns. As such, conjugates containing the same fluorochrome could be combined. This panel is tested on peripheral blood (PB), BM, and CSF and provides a strong improvement of diagnostic potential.

Species: Human

Tissue: Bone marrow, Csf, Peripheral blood

Cell Subset: Granulocyte, Lymphoid cells, B cell, T cell, Monocyte, Progenitors/ hsc

Keyword: Immunoprofiling, Leukemia, Lymphoma

Machine: Navios Flow Cytometer

Panel details

Marker Species Clone Fluorophore Purpose Co-expressions groups Antigen Density
CD19 Human J3-119 APC-Alexa 750 B cells B cell Low
CD33 Human D3HL60.251 APC monocytes Monocyte Med
CD56 Human NKH-1 PE-Cy7 NK, NKT NK Low
CD4 Human T4 PE-Cy5.5 T cell T cell High
Ig Lambda Light Chain Human FITC secondary reagent to CD34
CD7 Human 8H8.1 PE T cell T cell Med
Ig Lambda Light Chain Human PE secondary reagent to CD7
CD10 Human ALB1 ECD B cell precursors Progenitor High
CD20 Human B9E9 Pacific Blue B cell B cell Med
CD45 Human J33 Krome Orange lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes T cell, B cell, Monocyte, Granulocyte High
CD3 Human UCHT1 APC T cell T cell High
CD15 Human 80H5 Pacific Blue granulocytes Granulocyte High
CD34 Human 581 FITC lymphoid and meyloid progenitors Progenitor Med
CD117 Human 104D2D1 PE-Cy7 lymphoid and meyloid progenitors Progenitor Low
CD8a Human B9.11 APC-Alexa 700 T cell T cell High