
About Janelia Fluor 669, Maleimide
Janelia Fluor 669, Maleimide has an excitation peak at 669 nm and an emission peak at 689 nm. Janelia Fluor 669, Maleimide is a red fluorogenic fluorescent dye, supplied with a maleimide reactive group for conjugation (thiol reactivity).
Dyes similar to Janelia Fluor 669, Maleimide based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 660 APC-Cy5.5 ATTO 655 ATTO 665 Brilliant Blue 700 CF660C CF660R CF660ST CF680 CF680ST CF680T Cy5.5 DRAQ 5 DRAQ 9 FLUX 660 FLUX 680 FVS700 IRDye 680LT IRDye 680RD iRFP 682 Janelia Fluor 669 Live-or-Dye 665/685 LysoView 650 MemBrite Fix 660/680 MemBrite Fix ST 667/685 MemBrite Fix ST 681/698 MITO-ID Red MitoLite NIR FX690 NovaFluor Red 685 NovaFluor Yellow 690 Nuclear Red NucSpot Live 650 Oyster 680 PE-Cy5.5 PE-Fire 700 PerCP-Cy5.5 PhenoVue DRAQ5 Total Cell Nuclear Stain PhenoVue DRAQ7 Dead Cell Nuclear Stain RedDot 1 RedDot 2 Seta-680-NHS SeTau-647-di-NHS SeTau-647-NHS SeTau-670-NHS Spark NIR 685 SureLight PE Cyanine 5.5 ViaFluor 647 Vybrant DyeCycle Ruby RayBright PerCP-Cy5.5 RMR-Tre tri-GalNAc-C5-AF647 QM-FN-SO3 Cyanine 680 cFluor R685