N/A (Spectral)
About Live-or-Dye 665/685
Biotium's Live-or-Dye™ dyes are amine-reactive and used for live/dead cell discrimination in flow cytometry. These probes pass through the permeable cell membrane of dead cells to stain intracellular amine groups. However, the probe cannot pass through the intact membranes of live cells. Additionally, these dyes are very stable and can withstand fixation, permeabilization, and will not transfer between cells. Live-or-Dye™ 665/685 has an excitation peak at 665 nm and an emission peak at 685 nm.
Dyes similar to Live-or-Dye 665/685 based on emission
Check to add to spectra viewerAlexa Fluor 660 ATTO 655 ATTO 665 CellMask Deep Red Plasma Membrane Stain CF660C CF660R CF660ST DRAQ 5 ER-ID Red FLUX 660 IRDye 680LT IRDye 680RD iRFP 682 Janelia Fluor 669 LysoView 650 MaxLight 650 MemBrite Fix 660/680 MemBrite Fix ST 667/685 MITO-ID Red MitoLite NIR FX690 NovaFluor Red 685 NovaFluor Yellow 690 Nuclear Red NucSpot Live 650 Oyster 680 PhenoVue DRAQ7 Dead Cell Nuclear Stain RedDot 1 Seta-PerCP-680 SeTau-647-di-NHS SeTau-670-NHS Spark NIR 685 SureLight PerCP Sytox Deep Red ViaFluor 647 Vybrant DyeCycle Ruby Janelia Fluor 669, Maleimide QM-FN-SO3 RMR-Tre cFluor R685 Janelia Fluor 646b, NHS ester tri-GalNAc-C5-AF647