
Aliases: CCCA, CCD41, EPCR
Other: endothelial protein C receptor|APC receptor|CD201 antigen|activated protein C receptor|cell cycle, centrosome-associated protein|centrocyclin|protein C receptor, endothelial

The protein encoded by this gene is a receptor for activated protein C, a serine protease activated by and involved in the blood coagulation pathway. The encoded protein is an N-glycosylated type I membrane protein that enhances the activation of protein C. Mutations in this gene have been associated with venous thromboembolism and myocardial infarction, as well as with late fetal loss during p... see more

PerCP-eFluor 710

Common Laser: 488
Common Filter: 695/40
Excitation Peak: 482
Emission Peak: 710

PerCP-eFluor™ 710 (PerCP-eF710) is a red-emitting tandem fluorophore that combines PerCP and eF710. The donor molecule, PerCP can be excited by the 488-nm blue laser and and transfers energy to the acceptor molecule, eF710, which emitts light that can be captured with a 695/40 nm bandpass filter. PerCP-eF710 has an excitation peak at 482 nm and an emission peak at 710 nm, and is considered a sl... see more

Popular CD201 PerCP-eFluor 710 Antibodies

Company /
Applications Marker /
Host / Isotype /
Size /
Thermo Fisher Scientific
FC CD201
IgG2b κ
eBio1560 (1560)
25 μg
 Browse CD201 / PerCP-eFluor 710 antibodies.